San Francisco
General Plan
Intended to serve as a living document in "the first step in the continuous process of planning,"1 San Francisco’s first General Plan was adopted by the Planning Commission in 1945 as the embodiment of San Francisco’s vision for the future. Serving to guide the City’s evolution and growth, the General Plan provides a set of objectives and policies that influence how we live, work, and move about, as well as the quality and character of the City.
In addition, the City Charter2 requires the Planning Commission update the General Plan from time to time through the process of amendments and referrals to reflect four key themes: 1) climate change; 2) economics; 3) healthy communities; and 4) equitable opportunities.3 Learn more about the General Plan and how the Planning Department is working on updates here.
Environmental Justice Framework » Read the General Plan Introduction »
I: Elements
II: Area Plans

III: Land Use Index
In addition to the complete General Plan as listed above, program documents for the Housing Element, Recreation and Open Space Element and Transportation Element are published separately and are available at the Planning Department.
1. San Francisco General Plan, adopted December 1945
2. San Francisco Charter, section 4.105
3. California Government Code section 65302